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Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and protection  2022, Vol. 42 Issue (1): 39-50    DOI: 10.11902/1005.4537.2021.034
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Influence of Simulated Deep Sea Pressured-flowing Seawater on Failure Behavior of Epoxy Glass Flake Coating
GAO Haodong1, CUI Yu2, LIU Li1, MENG Fandi1(), LIU Rui2, ZHENG Hongpeng1, WANG Fuhui1
1.Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
2.Shi -changxu Innovation Center for Advanced Materials, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China
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The failure behavior of epoxy glass flake coating in artificial seawater of various states, namely atmospheric static (0.1 MPa-0 m/s), atmospheric flowing (0.1 MPa-4 m/s), high hydrostatic pressure (10 MPa-0 m/s) and pressured-flowing (10 MPa-4 m/s) was studied by means of water absorption test, EIS, adhesion test, SEM, FT-IR, etc. The results indicated that, under the action of pressured-flowing artificial seawater, the interfacial bonding strength between pigments with the coating matrix may be significantly weakened, the structure of the coating is severely damaged, which promotes the diffusion of corrosive media in the coating, and in consequence, a large amount of water accumulates in coating defects and the interface of coating/metal, which result in significant increase in the water absorption rate and severe decrease in mechanical properties, as well as in rapid loss of coating adhesion and bubbling of the coating, as a result, the coating fails quickly. Finally, the failure mechanism of organic coatings induced by pressured-flowing artificial seawater was also discussed.

Key words:  pressure-flow velocity coupling environment      epoxy glass flake coating      diffusion      EIS      interface      physical structure      bubbling      failure     
Received:  26 February 2021     
ZTFLH:  TG174  
Fund: National Key R&D Program of China(2017YFB0702303)
Corresponding Authors:  MENG Fandi     E-mail:
About author:  MENG Fandi, E-mail:

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GAO Haodong, CUI Yu, LIU Li, MENG Fandi, LIU Rui, ZHENG Hongpeng, WANG Fuhui. Influence of Simulated Deep Sea Pressured-flowing Seawater on Failure Behavior of Epoxy Glass Flake Coating. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and protection, 2022, 42(1): 39-50.

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Fig.1  Schematic diagram of coating/steel system
Fig.2  Schematic diagram of the ocean simulation device
Fig.3  Water absorption curves for the free film samples under 0.1 MPa-0 m/s, 0.1 MPa-4 m/s, 10 MPa-0 m/s and 10 MPa-4 m/s environment
Fig.4  Fitting results of water absorption for epoxy glass flake coating under 0.1 MPa-0 m/s, 0.1 MPa-4 m/s, 10 MPa-0 m/s and 10 MPa-4 m/s environment
Fig.5  Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of the coating/steel system immersed in 0.1 MPa-0 m/s: (a, b) Nyquist plots, (c, d) Bode plots
Fig.6  Equivalent electrical circuits of the coating/steel system: (a) model A, (b) model B, (c) model C
Fig.7  Nyquist (a~c, f~h) and Bode (d, e, i, g) plots of coating/steel system immersed in 0.1 MPa-4 m/s (a~e) and 10 MPa-0 m/s environment (f~j)
Fig.8  Nyquist (a~c) and Bode (d, e) plots of the coating/steel system immersed in 10 MPa-4 m/s
Fig.9  |Z| (0.01 Hz) curves as a function of immersion time under different environment
Fig.10  Coating resistance (a) and charge-transfer resistance (b) curves as a function of immersion time under different environment
Fig.11  Macro morphologies of the coating after immersion for 120 h in dry (a), 0.1 MPa-0 m/s (b), 10 MPa-0 m/s (c), 0.1 MPa-4 m/s (d) and 10 MPa-4 m/s (e)
Fig.12  Adhesion of the coating after 24 and 120 h immer-sion in different environments
Fig.13  SEM images of the coating surface after immersing for 120 h under different environment: (a) 0.1 MPa-0 m/s, (b) 10 MPa-0 m/s, (c) 0.1 MPa-4 m/s, (d) 10 MPa-4 m/s
Fig.14  Coating surface image (a) and EDS maps (b, c) after 120 h immersion in 10 MPa-4 m/s environment
Fig.15  FT-IR spectra of dry coatings and coatings after 120 h immersion in different environments
Fig.16  Mechanical properties of coatings and coatings after 120 h immersion in different environments
Fig.17  SEM images of the coating tensile fracture after immersing for 120 h under different environment: (a) 0.1 MPa-0 m/s, (b) 10 MPa-0 m/s, (c) 0.1 MPa-4 m/s, (d) 10 MPa-4 m/s
Fig.18  Schematic failure process of the glass flake/epoxy composite coating under 10 MPa-4 m/s environment: (a) earlier stage, (b) later stage
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