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中国腐蚀与防护学报  2023, Vol. 43 Issue (4): 855-861     CSTR: 32134.14.1005.4537.2022.305      DOI: 10.11902/1005.4537.2022.305
  曹楚南科教基金优秀论文专栏 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
倪雨朦1,2,3, 于英杰1, 严慧1,3, 王嵬4, 李瑛1()
1.中国科学院金属研究所 沈阳 110016
2.湖南工业大学材料与先进制造学院 株洲 412007
3.中国科学技术大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110016
4.东北电力大学化学工程学院 吉林 132012
Finite Element Study on Phase-selective Dissolution Mechanism of CuAl-NiC Abradable Seal Coating
NI Yumeng1,2,3, YU Yingjie1, YAN Hui1,3, WANG Wei4, LI Ying1()
1.Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China
2.College of Materials and Advanced Manufacturing, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China
3.School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Shenyang 110016, China
4.Department of Chemical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China
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关键词 可磨耗封严涂层电偶腐蚀有限元腐蚀防护    

Abradable seal coatings is widely used in the field of aerospace industry, since it can improve the efficiency of the aero-engine. Due to its special structure and composition, abradable seal coatings would face severe corrosion failure problems. Therefore, the phase-selective dissolution reaction in the early stage of corrosion of the CuAl-NiC abradable seal coating in NaCl solution is simulated by means of finite element method (FEM). Morphology characterization and electrochemical test were conducted to determine the geometric dimensions and boundary conditions required for FEM. The FE simulation was then carried out, while the modeling results were compared with the free-corrosion potential of the coating measured by the polarization curve, and the dissolution results of the ICP-OES test to verify the reliability of the established model. Furthermore, by inputting the composition ratio and the electrochemical properties of substances of a newly designed coating into the established model, its corrosion resistance can be acquired, which will provide some insights for the design of abradable seal coatings.

Key wordsabradable seal coating    galvanic corrosion    finite element    corrosion protection
收稿日期: 2022-09-30      32134.14.1005.4537.2022.305
ZTFLH:  TG174  
通讯作者: 李瑛,E-mail:,研究方向为腐蚀电化学基础理论   
Corresponding author: LI Ying, E-mail:   
作者简介: 倪雨朦,女,1993年生,博士,讲师。2012 年考入北京理工大学材料化学专业,后于2016 年考入中国科学院金属研究所,期间师从李瑛研究员攻读博士学位。2021 年毕业后入职湖南工业大学材料与先进制造学院。参与国家自然基金两项,主持企业横向课题一项,获得授权专利三项,在JMST等杂志发表论文4 篇。2022年入围2022 年度株洲市“小荷”行动专项。2022 年获得曹楚南科教基金优秀论文奖。


倪雨朦, 于英杰, 严慧, 王嵬, 李瑛. 铜铝/镍石墨可磨耗封严涂层相选择性溶解机制有限元研究[J]. 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2023, 43(4): 855-861.
NI Yumeng, YU Yingjie, YAN Hui, WANG Wei, LI Ying. Finite Element Study on Phase-selective Dissolution Mechanism of CuAl-NiC Abradable Seal Coating. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and protection, 2023, 43(4): 855-861.

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图1  用于模拟铜铝/镍石墨可磨耗封严涂层内多元相间电偶腐蚀的三维几何模型
图2  铜铝/镍石墨可磨耗封严涂层表面局部形貌与主要元素Cu、Al、Ni、C的面分布
图3  铜铝/镍石墨可磨耗封严涂层内相分布及多元相间电偶腐蚀模型有限元网格划分示意图
图4  铜铝/镍石墨可磨耗封严涂层表面金属元素的XPS精细谱及拟合结果
图5  Al,Cu,Ni和石墨片的动电位极化曲线
ElementEcorr / VSCEIcorr / μA·cm-2
表1  由动电位极化曲线得到的各纯金属与石墨的Ecorr和Icorr
图6  多元相间电偶腐蚀模型模拟结果
图7  铜铝/镍石墨单独层的动电位极化曲线
图8  铜铝/镍石墨可磨耗封严涂层浸泡于腐蚀介质后,溶液中的Al3+、Cu2+和Ni2+的浓度
ElementMass ratio %Mass gDensity g·cm-3Volume cm3Area cm2
表2  铜铝/镍石墨可磨耗封严涂层内各元素参数
图9  铜铝/镍石墨可磨耗封严涂层内相分布示意图
图10  改进后电偶腐蚀模型模拟结果
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