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Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and protection  2018, Vol. 38 Issue (1): 18-25    DOI: 10.11902/1005.4537.2016.223
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Influence of Calcareous Deposit on Corrosion Behavior of Q235 Carbon Steel in Marine Microalgae Containing Medium
Jie ZHANG1(), Xiuhua HU1,2, Chuanbo ZHENG2, Jizhou DUAN1, Baorong HOU1
1 Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Corrosion and Bio-fouling, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China
2 College of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China
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It is known that calcareous deposit formed on the surface of metallic material may have effect on the adhesion of marine micro-organism to and the corrosion behavior of the substrate material. Meanwhile, micro-organisms may in turn affect the formation process of calcareous layer. To clearly understand the above mentioned phenomena, the electrochemical behavior of the Q235 carbon steel without and with a pre-deposited calcareous layer in the f/2 culture media with the absence and presence of chlorella vulgaris respectively, as well as, the adhesion behavior of chlorella vulgaris on the substrate were investigated by using fluorescence microscopy, surface analysis techniques and electrochemical measure method. Results show that the adhesion process of chlorella vulgaris reached the equilibrium phase of adsorption-desorption after immersion of the steel in the medium for 48 h. Absorption is the decisive step in the initial attachment stage of chlorella vulgaris on the steel with calcareous deposit, and then the adherent microalgae began to proliferate. The calcareous deposit could promote the adhesion of microalgae, however, the calcareous deposit was apt to spall off in the f/2 culture medium without chlorella vulgaris. During the immersion process, composite films of calcareous deposit and microalgae may formed on the steel surface, which was compact with good adhesion to the substrate and presented blockage effect to the charge transfer and inward diffusion of oxygen, thereby can effectively inhibit the corrosion of the steel.

Key words:  Q235 carbon steel      chlorella vulgaris      calcareous deposit      EIS      corrosion behavior     
Received:  23 November 2016     
ZTFLH:  TG174.3  
Fund: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (41376003 and 41006054) and Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA13040405)

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Jie ZHANG, Xiuhua HU, Chuanbo ZHENG, Jizhou DUAN, Baorong HOU. Influence of Calcareous Deposit on Corrosion Behavior of Q235 Carbon Steel in Marine Microalgae Containing Medium. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and protection, 2018, 38(1): 18-25.

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Fig.1  Schematic illustration of experimental device
Fig.2  Fluorescence microscope images of bare steel (a1~a5) and calcareous deposit steel (b1~b5) samples after immersion in chlorella vulgaris culture media for 3 h (a1, b1), 6 h (a2, b2), 24 h (a3, b3), 48 h (a4, b4) and 72 h (a5, b5)
Time / h Bare steel Calcareous deposit
3 0.12% 7.61%
6 3.15% 13.40%
24 14.10% 24.87%
48 17.59% 29.08%
72 20.08% 42.01%
Table 1  Variations of coverage ratio of chlorella vulgaris on the surface of bare steel and calcareous deposit steel samples after immersion in chlorella vulgaris culture media for different time
Fig.3  Processes of microbe adsorption on metal surface in seawater
Fig.4  Surface images of calcareous deposit steel after immersion in f/2 culture medium without (a, b) and with (c, d) chlorella vulgaris for 10 d
Fig.5  EDS analysis results of the surface of calcareous deposit steel after immersion in f/2 culture medium without (a) and with (b) chlorella vulgaris for 10 d
Condition Na Mg Al Si P S Balance
Without chlorella vulgaris 3.096 0.168 0.048 0.769 0.096 4.993 29.504
With chlorella vulgaris 1.908 0.399 0.083 1.146 0.0133 0.0549 44.714
Table 2  Element contents of the surface of calcareous deposit steel immersed in f/2 culture medium without and with chlorella vulgaris for 10 d (mass fraction / %)
Fig.6  EIS results of calcareous deposit steel immersed in f/2 culture medium without (a) and with (b) chlorella vulgaris
Fig.7  Equivalent circuit model for EIS of calcareous deposit steel immersed in f/2 culture medium
Immerse time / d Rsol Qf Rf Qdl Rct
Ωcm2 Yf / 10-6 Ω-1cm-2sn nf Ωcm2 Ydl / 10-6 Ω-1cm-2sn ndl 104 Ωcm2
1 6.027 251.60 0.681 946.10 428.6 0.580 2.676
3 22.550 196.50 0.745 174.60 697.6 0.670 1.347
5 24.200 135.50 0.801 167.30 728.3 0.637 1.227
7 26.400 379.20 0.719 682.20 791.6 0.603 1.369
9 10.170 388.90 0.621 382.40 504.4 0.720 0.929
11 29.310 302.60 0.503 91.30 831.0 0.618 0.748
13 5.766 1996.00 0.384 235.50 907.7 0.603 0.568
15 4.335 60.20 0.841 130.60 521.6 0.607 0.293
Table 3  Electrochemical parameters obtained from EIS of calcareous deposit steel immersed in f/2 culture medium without chlorella vulgaris
Immerse time / d Rsol Qf Rf Qdl Rct
Ωcm2 Yf / 10-6 Ω-1cm-2sn nf Ωcm2 Ydl / 10-6 Ω-1cm-2sn ndl 104 Ωcm2
1 6.635 171.50 0.689 631.4 138.9 0.732 1.227
3 9.250 243.80 0.643 1649.0 169.3 0.862 1.183
5 8.876 76.47 0.594 1717.0 110.5 0.584 1.595
7 22.160 305.90 0.566 1422.0 100.1 0.662 3.426
9 23.870 327.90 0.564 1304.0 105.8 0.583 2.808
11 9.784 70.50 0.533 651.7 223.0 0.638 1.211
13 4.335 45.13 0.597 371.5 223.8 0.644 1.060
15 4.335 497.60 0.588 736.6 208.7 0.641 1.038
Table 4  Electrochemical parameters obtained from EIS of calcareous deposit steel immersed in f/2 culture medium with chlorella vulgaris
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