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中国腐蚀与防护学报  2023, Vol. 43 Issue (6): 1225-1236     CSTR: 32134.14.1005.4537.2022.366      DOI: 10.11902/1005.4537.2022.366
  综合评述 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
海底管道CO2 腐蚀特性及预测模型研究进展
朱烨森1,2(), 蔡锟1, 胡葆文1, 夏云秋1, 胡涛勇1, 黄一2
1.中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 杭州 311122
2.大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 大连 116024
Research Progress on Characteristics and Prediction Models of Carbon Dioxide Induced Corrosion for Submarine Pipelines
ZHU Yesen1,2(), CAI Kun1, HU Baowen1, XIA Yunqiu1, HU Taoyong1, HUANG Yi2
1.Power China Huadong Engineering Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 311122, China
2.State Key Laboratory Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China

朱烨森, 蔡锟, 胡葆文, 夏云秋, 胡涛勇, 黄一. 海底管道CO2 腐蚀特性及预测模型研究进展[J]. 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2023, 43(6): 1225-1236.
Yesen ZHU, Kun CAI, Baowen HU, Yunqiu XIA, Taoyong HU, Yi HUANG. Research Progress on Characteristics and Prediction Models of Carbon Dioxide Induced Corrosion for Submarine Pipelines[J]. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and protection, 2023, 43(6): 1225-1236.

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关键词 海底管道CO2腐蚀腐蚀模型腐蚀预测腐蚀评估    

Firstly, the mechanism of CO2 induced corrosion of submarine pipeline is introduced, including chemical reaction process, electrochemical reaction process, mass transfer process and film formation process. Secondly, the influencing factors of CO2 induced corrosion of submarine pipelines are summarized, which mainly include material factors determined by chemical composition and microstructure, and external environmental factors determined by medium composition, temperature and pH, etc. At the same time, the empirical/semi-empirical regulations of the corrosion rate versus influencing factors are summarized. Finally, the models of CO2 induced corrosion of submarine pipeline is summarized, and the control steps and boundary conditions of the principle model and empirical model for corrosion-assessment and -prediction are introduced in detail.

Key wordssubmarine pipeline    carbon dioxide corrosion    corrosion model    corrosion prediction    corrosion assessment
收稿日期: 2022-11-23      32134.14.1005.4537.2022.366
ZTFLH:  TG174  
通讯作者: 朱烨森,E-mail:,研究方向为海工/水工金属结构腐蚀监测及防腐
Corresponding author: ZHU Yesen, E-mail:
作者简介: 朱烨森,男,1992年生,博士生
图1  CO2分压对腐蚀及成膜的影响[87]
图2  pH对腐蚀及成膜的影响[87]
图3  CO2腐蚀模型示意图

I0, ref 


Cref, H+mol·L-1

Cref, H2CO3










Fe oxidation1--37.5293.152.3RT/1.5F-0.488
H+ reduction0.020.0001-30293.152.3RT/0.5F-0.24
H2CO3 reduction0.014-0.000135293.152.3RT/0.5F-0.24
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