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中国腐蚀与防护学报  2006, Vol. 26 Issue (4): 221-226     
  研究报告 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
郑臻; 余新泉; 孙扬善; 薛烽; 任世科
Influence of Pretreatment on the Adhesion of Electroless Nickel Planting on Magnesium Alloy
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摘要: 通过化学镀镍以提高镁合金的耐腐蚀性能是一种有效手段, 但由于镁合金化学性质活泼, 化学镀的 前处理工艺对镀层与基体之间的结合力具有显著影响。本文研究了多种前处理工艺对镀镍层与镁合金基体之间结合力的影响,并采用弯曲法,锉刀实验法和划线划格实验三种测试方法,对化学镀镍层与镁合金基体之间结合力的优劣进行了定性评价。结果表明,采用一步法前处理工艺和一次浸锌工艺的试样,镀层与基体之间具有良好的结合力,且金相显微观察也证明镀层与基体之间具有最薄的中间过渡层。
关键词 镁合金化学镀镍前处理结合力浸锌    
Abstract:It is an effective method to improve the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys by using electroless nickel planting. However, the pretreatment of substrate can influence the adhesion of the coating on magnesium alloys significantly due to their high chemical activity. The influences of different pretreatment techniques on the adhesion of electroless nickel planting on magnesium alloy have been studied in this paper. Furthermore, the adhesive force between the coating and the magnesium substrate has been estimated by used bend test, file test, and scribe test. Through the test, we come to the conclusion that by using the one step pretreatment and once zincification, the film of the sample has the best adhesion; at the same time, the surface morphology has proved that the mesosphere is the thinnest.
Key wordsmagnesium alloy    electroless nickel planting    pretreatment of substrate    adhesion    zincification
收稿日期: 2005-08-24     
ZTFLH:  TQ153.1  
通讯作者: 郑臻     E-mail:


郑臻; 余新泉; 孙扬善; 薛烽; 任世科 . 前处理对镁合金化学镀镍结合力的影响[J]. 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2006, 26(4): 221-226 .


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