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The Corrosion of Carbon Steel in CO2 Environment with Constant pH and Ferrous Ion Concentration
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摘要: 在密闭容器中研究碳钢的CO2腐蚀时,溶液的pH和亚铁离子浓度通常会随着腐蚀的进行而发生显著变化,然而,在实际的油气开采环境中,溶液的pH和亚铁离子浓度往往是相对稳定的。本研究在初始pH为5.80和初始亚铁离子浓度为20mg/L的条件下,采用离子交换树脂调节腐蚀过程中的pH和亚铁离子浓度,使pH和亚铁离子浓度在整个腐蚀过程中保持恒定。采用开路电位测试、线性极化技术、扫描电镜等手段研究了X65钢的CO2腐蚀行为,并与非恒定条件(腐蚀过程中不调节pH和亚铁离子浓度)下X65钢的CO2腐蚀行为进行了对比。结果表明,在非恒定的pH和亚铁离子浓度下,X65钢的腐蚀速率在120小时后迅速下降,220小时后腐蚀速率约为0.5mm/y,样品表面的FeCO3膜完整且致密。在恒定的pH和亚铁离子浓度下,X65钢的腐蚀速率在160小时后才开始缓慢下降,220小时后腐蚀速率仍高达4.5mm/y,样品表面FeCO3膜的裂纹较多,且与基体之间存在明显间隙。因此,在密闭容器中维持相对恒定的pH和亚铁离子浓度对获得与油气田现场一致的CO2腐蚀行为规律十分重要。
关键词 腐蚀碳钢离子交换pH亚铁离子    
Abstract:The corrosion of carbon steel in a closed vessel will usually result in obviously changes in pH and ferrous ion concentration. However, in oil and gas field the pH and ferrous ion concentration at any specific location in side of the pipeline does not change significantly with time. In this work, the ion exchange resins were used to adjust the pH and ferrous ion concentration during the corrosion of X65 steel in a small loop where the initial pH was 5.80 and initial ferrous ion concentration was 20 ppm. In this case, an environment with constant pH and constant ferrous ion concentration was developed. Then, the corrosion of X65 steel in such an environment was investigated by open circuit potential, linear polarization resistance and surface analysis techniques. As a comparison, the corrosion of X65 carbon steel in non-constant pH and ferrous ion concentration (no adjustment for the pH and ferrous ion concentration during the corrosion) was also studied. The results showed that under the non-constant condition, the corrosion rate of X65 sharply decreased after 120 h. The corrosion rate was about 0.5 mm/y after 220 h. The corrosion product layer consisting of ferrous carbonate was very compact. However, under the constant pH and ferrous ion concentration, the corrosion rate of X65 did not start to slowly decrease until 160 h. The corrosion rate was still as high as 4.5 mm/y after 220 h. There were many cracks in the corrosion products layer and the obvious gaps between the substrate and corrosion product layer could also be found. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a relatively constant pH and ferrous ion concentration in a closed vessel when one tries to get CO2 corrosion behaviors which is consistent with that in oil and gas field.
Key wordsCorrosion    Carbon Steel    Ion Exchange    pH    Ferrous Ion
收稿日期: 2017-11-22     
通讯作者: 钟显康   
Corresponding author: Xian-Kang ZHONG   


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