690 MPa级耐候桥梁钢在模拟工业大气环境下的腐蚀行为研究
程鹏, 刘静, 黄峰, 黄先球, 庞涛

Corrosion Behavior of 690 MPa Weathering Bridge Steel in Simulated Industrial Atmosphere
CHENG Peng, LIU Jing, HUANG Feng, HUANG Xianqiu, PANG Tao
图5 周浸腐蚀不同时间后的实验钢截面锈层微观形貌
Fig.5 Cross-sectional morphologies of the rust layers formed on Q235 (a) and Q690qENH (b) steels after cyclic immersion test for 96 h (a1, b1), 192 h (a2, b2) and 384 h (a3, b3)