石践, 胡学文, 张道刘, 曹卉丹, 何博, 浦红, 郭锐, 汪飞

Influence of Microstructure on Corrosion Resistance of High Strength Weathering Steel
SHI Jian, HU Xuewen, ZHANG Daoliu, CAO Huidan, HE Bo, PU Hong, GUO Rui, WANG Fei
图6 15%P和2%P钢试样的截面腐蚀形貌
Fig.6 Cross-section SEM images of 15%P (a~d) and 2%P (e~h) steels and EDS elemental mappings of Cr (b, f), S (c, g) and Cu (d, h) corrosion morphology