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Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and protection  2014, Vol. 34 Issue (2): 192-194    DOI: 10.11902/1005.4537.2013.090
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Effect of Zn Addition on Behavior of Deposited Co in Oxide Scales of Alloys in PWR Primary Water
DUAN Zhengang1, ZHANG Lefu1, JIANG Suqing1, SHI Xiuqiang2, XU Xuelian2
1. School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240,China;
2. Shanghai Municipal Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Engineering,Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research &Design Institute, Shanghai 200233, China
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Abstract  In order to simulate the deposition of Co oxide on the surface of PWR structural materials during service, oxide scales doped with Co on stainless steels 316 and 304, and alloy 690 were prepared by soacking them in a high temperature solution containing Co ions. Then the effect of Zn addition on the behavior of the deposited Co in oxide scales was studied in a simulated PWR primary water with Zn addition at 315 ℃. The results show that the presence of Co changes the morphology of oxide scales, while in the simulated PWR water the added Zn may displace the deposited Co in the oxide scales.
Key words:  PWR      zinc addition      cobalt      oxidescale     
Received:  10 December 2013     
ZTFLH:  TL341  

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DUAN Zhengang, ZHANG Lefu, JIANG Suqing, SHI Xiuqiang, XU Xuelian. Effect of Zn Addition on Behavior of Deposited Co in Oxide Scales of Alloys in PWR Primary Water. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and protection, 2014, 34(2): 192-194.

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