玄武岩/氧化铈改性PMMA涂层的防腐及耐磨性能的研究 |
类延华( ), 刘宁轩, 张玉良, 常雪婷, 刘涛 |
上海海事大学海洋科学与工程学院 上海 201306 |
Preparation, Corrosion- and Wear-resistance of Polymethyl Methacrylate Coating Modified with Particles of Basalt/cerium Oxide Composite |
LEI Yanhua( ), LIU Ningxuan, ZHANG Yuliang, CHANG Xueting, LIU Tao |
College of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China |
类延华, 刘宁轩, 张玉良, 常雪婷, 刘涛. 玄武岩/氧化铈改性PMMA涂层的防腐及耐磨性能的研究[J]. 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2022, 42(4): 597-604.
Yanhua LEI,
Ningxuan LIU,
Yuliang ZHANG,
Xueting CHANG,
Tao LIU.
Preparation, Corrosion- and Wear-resistance of Polymethyl Methacrylate Coating Modified with Particles of Basalt/cerium Oxide Composite. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and protection, 2022, 42(4): 597-604.
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